Sunday, March 15, 2020

My Autobiographical Essay essays

My Autobiographical Essay essays While thinking about what to write for my autobiographical essay, I looked at a special clock that I got from my uncle for Christmas. This clock was special in that it keeps track of the time by lifting up metal balls one at a time to the top with a motor that has a plastic arm and drops the ball off in rows. When a row is filled the hour is over, and the row is then dumped and the process cycles through again with the same metal balls in the same order. Reaching out to play around with this sensitive system, I knock one row, and all the balls fell out of placed. Reassembling the system reminded me of the time when I had to go to school for the first time. My days were routine like how a ball on my clock would cycle through the hours and be at the same location every day. I would wake up and remember my manners that my mom taught me, say good morning to my grandparents. After that, I would brush my teeth, which my grandpa would check afterward to see that I have really, had brushed them.Giving the okay, my grandma would serve me breakfast every day consisting of two scrambled eggs and rice. By this time my older cousins would arrive at my house, and grandma would serve them too. After they finished eating I would never have time to play with them because they would leave right afterward with my grandpa. At the afternoon my grandpa would be back with my cousins then I would finish the rest of my day playing with them. That was my day, I would always see the same people everyday like my clock would line up the same metal balls right next to each other every hour. The next day the cycle would start over again for a good two years. There were no weekends for me; Saturdays were just as good as my Mondays. I would never give any thought about that few hours when all of my cousins would be gone, and would just accept that things are the way they are and just move around it by playing with my little brother until they were back. The t...