Thursday, September 3, 2020

SWOT analysis Air Arabia Company and IKEA

SWOT investigation This is the shortened form that represents Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is a device that is utilized in deciding the center zones of capabilities in a business association at a given time. It is utilized during the time spent reviewing market circumstance thus helps in recognizing key issues that requires consideration. Swot is one of the quick explanatory methodologies that uncover different issues that need wise approach.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on SWOT examination: Air Arabia Company and IKEA explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It includes investigating the advertising structure that encompasses the association. Valentin (2001) said that the SWOT investigation includes scanning for bits of knowledge into methods of understanding the ideal arrangements. The SWOT investigation is no uncertainty a significant instrument in the field of business technique since it settles on it feasible for chiefs to consider significant parts of their organization’s condition and encourages them arrange their contemplations (Valentin, 2001, pp 54-68). The primary target of SWOT investigation is that it helps in distinguishing the inside and outside variables that are center to the exhibition of the organization. The inner components are the qualities and shortcomings while the outer variables are the chances and dangers from the outside condition. Inner variables centers around the association itself, the workers, capital structure, resources, how the market is composed, center skills, the product offerings, what the organization fabricates and can do. The outer factors then again contains both immediate and aberrant powers. The immediate powers are the contenders, providers and the customers while the aberrant powers include the monetary, social and political variables (Matt, 2010, pp 1-36). Presentation Air Arabia was set up in 2003 and is one of the carrier company’s working f rom Sharjah air terminal in Saudi Arabia. It has nine planes that fly to various goals over the Middle East, South and Central Asia and a few pieces of Africa. It is one of minimal effort transporters which offer just economy travel lodges. The organization recorded an income development of 27.4% somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2010 which created an overall gain of 22.8%. The organization has stretched out its tasks to meet the nearby needs by circulating tickets through their deal shops close by cash trade agencies (EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39). Qualities The carrier gloat of some key quality that is uncommon with the vast majority of the organizations, its administration structure isn't unreasonably huge and involves experienced group, it has an entrenched bind with the base where it works which is Sharjah Airport. The air terminal is found near Dubai which is a decent business place. The organization appreciates first mover advantage as a result of its minimal effort and hen ceforth faces low rivalry. They offer online appointments and no-ornamentation administrations at low costs, the low costs is what makes customers from various segments to utilize Arab Air, they additionally offer correlative administrations, for example, air payload administrations (EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39).Advertising Looking for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Opportunities The open doors that the organization appreciates are the augmentation of its Sharjah center point by buying new airplane. There is additionally the arrangement to build up certain activities that bolsters the carrier like the holder for upkeep and developing an inn to oblige the customers. The fast financial and populace development offers a decent client base in the Air travel, there is likewise huge development in the travel industry part which is a further lift to Air travel (EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39 ). Shortcomings Arab Air has low number of airplanes that don't completely fulfill the tremendous client base it orders. It is as of now working on nine airplanes however has since wanted to build the number to thirty four constantly 2015. This places the organization in a low circumstance with regards to dynamic reaction. The organization despite everything relies upon the short take courses and uses a solitary sort of Air make, airbus A320. This implies any little impedance to its tasks could unfavorably influence its pay. This is in opposition to other carriers that offer various airplane types with classes of movement of the passenger’s decision. The aircraft despite everything don't claim any ground taking care of administration, yet according to now is intending to go into a joint endeavor with Sharjah Airport Authority to enhance these administrations (EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39). Dangers The organization faces a few dangers that it must battle with, one of them is progressively fast advancement that is normal available part that has not been used for very long. This comes because of the normal higher financial development. There is additionally the worldwide monetary downturn that may influence its tasks because of increment in fuel costs. The organization faces exceptionally solid rivalry from different aircrafts, the conveyance of the planes it wants to gain may delay, not overlooking the test it may get during the turn out of the company’s brand. The Middle East records the most reduced paces of e-ticket use in spite of the locale being at the front noticeable all around movement development; this presents Air Arabia with certain cases of low potential in movement (EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39). Similitudes Both organizations have an arrangement to use the site to enhance their administrations. IKEA is building on the web help to control clients on the best way to keep up an increasingly economical life. Their program offers client s tips and thoughts through the site on the most proficient method to lessen their consequences for the environmental factors. Middle Easterner aircrafts then again plan to enhance their e-ticket deals to clients. This will offer the clients less expensive methods since they won't have to go significant distances to acquire air tickets or reserve inn spot (Faculty of Business Studies, 2010; EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39).Advertising We will compose a custom report test on SWOT investigation: Air Arabia Company and IKEA explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Both organizations offer low costs to their administrations and items. This causes them to counter the influx of different contenders who despite everything esteem high valuing of items and administrations in the market. The low costs pull in many clients particularly during troublesome monetary occasions. So as to improve its presentation, IKEA has built up a decent brand name that is perceived all inclusive, thi s has helped in keeping up the solid development it requires so as to have a solid market character among the customers. Air Arabia being the principal minimal effort air organization in the Middle East, used this chance to make a solid brand name that made sure about it favor among the voyagers in the market (Faculty of Business Studies, 2010; EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39). Contrasts Air Arabia is working in association with different organizations so as to fortify its securing of some basic resources like the ground taking care of adventure which is an association between Air Arabia and Sharja Airport Authority. On the issue of providing food administrations it intends to join forces with Alfa Overseas Holdings. IKEA then again regardless of being a home outfitting retailer, supplements its pay through its constituent stores which are the eateries, bistros and food shops (Faculty of Business Studies, 2010; EFG-Hermes UAE, 2007, pp 2-39). References EFG-Hermes UAE. 2007. Air Arabi a. Gotten to atâ . Dubai-UAE pp 2-39 Faculty of Business Studies. 2010. Undestanding Business Functions I: IKEA caseâ study. Bedouin Open University. Web. Matt, E. 2010. Serious Intelligence; Excellence in Financial management. Accessed atâ 1-36Advertising Searching for report on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Valentin K. 2001. SWOT examination from an asset based view. Diary of Marketing Theory and Practice. 9(2): 54-68. This report on SWOT examination: Air Arabia Company and IKEA was composed and put together by client Sariah Z. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for examination and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Write a College Application Essay

How to Write a College Application EssayAs soon as you take your college admission test, it is possible that you will realize that the college application essay should have been edited out of the original paper. If this is the case, it will be necessary to learn how to write a college application essay without making any mistakes.A college application essay is one of the most important parts of the entire application process. In order to get into an Ivy League university, or any other highly competitive college or university, it is necessary to write a powerful and convincing essay. Your admissions committee will look at your application and ask many questions that require an engaging essay to answer.In order to write a well-written college application essay, it is necessary to develop a clear and well-defined idea on what is intended to be written about. For example, if you are writing an essay about your interest in science and technology, it is important to prepare an essay that i s about as true to life as possible. Keep in mind that the focus of the college application essay is not just what the applicant can do for the school, but also what he or she could do for the community. This is why you must focus on the needs of the school, instead of what they can do for you.The majority of students who write the college application essay generally fail to use their writing skills at all. Most students start by copying and pasting paragraphs and sentences from one page to another. In order to increase your chances of being able to write a compelling college application essay, it is essential that you utilize a system that will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. To be able to know the proper steps to take, there are a few things that you need to do.First, it is important that you understand the purpose of the college application essay. You should write a persuasive and personal essay on the issues that are listed on your college application form. It is also important that you understand that the college application form is designed to assess your leadership and motivation level.Second, it is crucial that you understand the factors that will affect the college application essay. While there are many factors that will determine whether or not you will be accepted into the school, the one factor that will determine whether or not you are accepted is the level of your academic achievement. Therefore, it is important that you make sure that your grades match up with your academic achievements.Third, you need to understand that the college application essay is not written as much as it is read. The essays that are read most often tend to be the best written essays. It is important that you carefully and thoughtfully write a coherent, clear, and compelling essay. It is also important that you highlight your strengths and talents in a manner that will show potential students why you are the right person for the school.If you can follow these three tips, you will be able to learn how to write a college application essay and will be ready to take your admission test. When you begin to prepare for your college admission test, you should make sure that you are well prepared and that you have access to the best materials available.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Pinochets Medical Report Essays - RTT, Augusto Pinochet

Pinochets 'Clinical Report' Essays - RTT, Augusto Pinochet Pinochets 'Clinical Report' pinochets 'clinical report' Congressperson Pinochet has a perplexing clinical history, however the fundamental dynamic clinical issues at present are diabetic fringe neuropathy and as of late dynamic cerebrovascular cerebrum harm. The diabetic neuropathology is adding to challenges in strolling and to the watched propensity to postural hypertension. The diabetes will likewise have inclined to blood vessel illness as will a previous history of smoking The cerebrovascular infection has showed incompletely as minor strokes and transient asthmatic assaults yet in addition purposes dynamic harm without intense manifestations. There is clinical proof of broad harm to the cerebrum. This incorporates respective harm to pyramidal tracts to cause spasticity indications and to the basal ganglia delivering highlights of parkinsonism. The nearness of crude reflexes shows harm to the frontal flaps and the memory defecit is practically identical with two-sided harm to worldly projection structures. Troubles in appreciation are optional to the memory shortfall. While a significant part of the harm is inferable from regions of the cerebrum served by the basilar supply route (demonstrated to be calcified, in the CT examines) the frontal flap impedance shows increasingly summed up blood vessel ailment. Qualification for preliminary Genuinely: Senator Pinochet would at present have the option to go to a preliminary however as highlights of cerebrovascular harm have advanced in spite of ideal treatment (with great control of diabetes and circulatory strain and antiplaseler operators) further weakening in both physical and state of mind is likely. Intellectually: It is our view that Senator Pinochet would not at the present be intellectually equipped for significant interest in a preliminary. We base this feeling on: 1. Memory defecit for both later and remote occasions. 2. Restricted capacity to comprehend complex sentences and questions inferable from memory disability and ensuing failure to process verbal data properly. 3. Weakened capacity to communicate perceptibly, briefly and appropriately. 4. Simple fatiguability With these obstacles he would be not able to follow the advancement of a preliminary adequately to train counsel. He would experience issues in understanding the substance and ramifications of inquiries put to him and would have lacking knowledge into his trouble. His memory of remote occasions is disabled. He would experience issues making himself understood and comprehended in answering to questions. We are fulfilled that the hindrances we have recognized are because of cerebrum harm, as they are sound in nature and steady in sign and formal neuropsychological testing indicated none of the highlights of purposeful embellishment of impedance. Specifically those neuropsychological tests characteristic of unique knowledge and instructive levels, (for example, the jargon size of the WAIS)show prevalent execution. At present, Senator Pinochet shows no proof of clinical melancholy. Situational worry, as prone to be occasioned by preliminary, produces physiological reactions that could quicken the movement of vascular malady. We were told, in any case, that Senator Pinochet has in the past indicated striking individual capacities in overseeing pressure. We consequently don't feel ready to communicate any valuable assessment on the potential consequences for his strength of experiencing preliminary. The significant scenes of harm appear to have happened in a bunch of thromboembolic occasions during September and October 1999. There possesses been adequate energy for the extraordinary greater part of any normal unconstrained recuperation from these occasions to have occurred. Albeit some time or another to day variance in utilitarian capacities is normal for cerebrum harm because of cerebrovascular sickness we consider additionally continued practical improvement of a huge degree impossible. Foundation - the remainder of the report: Teacher Sir John Grimley Evans, Dr M J Denham, and Professor Andrew Lees attempted a clinical interview with Senator Pinochet at Norwick Park Hospital on January 25th 2000. The conference was attempted in Spanish. Additionally present: Dr Henry Olivi (Observer) Prof. D J Thomas (Observer) Nurse Shelley Cape, Manuel Cerda (Senator Pinochet's valet) Late Medical History: Following careful decompression of wood spine in 1998 Senator Pinochet was upset for certain weeks by serious cerebral pain over the forehead. This settled precipitously. For the last 8 to 9 months he has noted trouble in strolling and now can just cover 200 yards before his legs become too powerless to even consider continueing. He currently strolls with a stick. Deadness of the bottoms of his feet has likewise advanced over that time. In the course of the most recent ten months he has seen a slow

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Business Report of Golf House - Free Essay Example

1 The Business Report Of Golf House Strategic Retailing enterprise and management Table of Contents. Title page 1 Executive summary 3 Importance of key external micro environment factor 4 Importance of the external micro environment forces 5 Importance of external influences on employee 6 Importance of internal influences on employees 7 key strategic factor of microenvironment 8 Conclusion 9 Executive summary The golf house club has been opened as a new business with in New Zealand catering for increasing Asian population in New Zealand. This Golf house club is going to been open in Domain Road in Mt Roskill. I will have some strategy some plan for my business. I have chosen this area to target on Asian people, there would be everything according to their taste so they can come and enjoy coming in golf club. I would recommend some Asian culture dishes and their some special snacks, tea. As I am going to open a new golf store I would defiantly require some staff and I will hire some Asian staff which would make Asian people happy. I would have some gym system and some shopping things, membership card and bar and some park for their leisure time. They have strategy to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“look good, feel good and play better. They have special offer of member ship card. If customers have that card then they can get half price for the golf product. They also have some golf course for that who donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t know about golfing and then they can get proper study for that and as they motive to make customer perfect in golf. In there they have special arrangement for tea customers can take rest having tea and happy to be a customer of golf club. Customers can hire venue that what and where to do. They have special care for customer they have some special arrange of spa where they can take rest. There is gym for gym lovers Importance of key external- micro environmental factors The external environment refers to the environment outside the boundary. The firm or an organisation has no control over the external environment, they cannot control over the changes but certainly they can adjust to the environment. The most important external factors are discussed below: Customers: For any type of business customer plays a very important role, they are the users of the product and because of them the organisation runs successfully. Customer has two types of environment changes which are as follows: Demographic changes: Demographic changes are related to the age, population gender, and economic class of the customer. These changes have major effect in the organisation. Preference changes: The customer preference would be different according to the time and situation. Their preference changes from time to time because of many factors like taste, age, and trends and different other situational factors. For golf house, I have got very good appreciation and response from the customer. It is a result of good advertisement and helpful staffs. Similarly, customers are providing good word of mouth to their friends and other social circle as well. Competitors: It is very important to know about the competitorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s policy and their strategies. It is again out of our control but we can see the strategy and accordingly make changes in our business as well because to get better results in business it is needed to know what your competitors are doing. Apart from this, the internal competition is very competitive as well because in the store there would be different products from different companies, the selection of one product over the is also a huge challenge for the business because those stocks would convert into remained stocks as well. There are two types of competition like as: Direct competition: Direct competition is something which different companies which would be in same industry. For an example, countdown and pack n save, these are both big supermarkets which sell different products. Both of these companies are biggest competitors of each other. People considerate these supermarkets in terms of price, quality and availability. For this kind of direct competition it is very important to see what the other competitor is doing. Indirect competition: Indirect competition is directly selling the same kind of the product but somehow similar. For an example coke and energy drink. Coke is a soft drink and even energy drink is very beneficial. So a customer can chose between these two, these are two alternatives, if the customer is looking for something cold and chilled then he can go for any of these two drinks. Suppliers and Distributors: Suppliers and distributors plays a vital role in the business. Suppliers and distributors are related to the golf house differently. For golf house, suppliers are closely related because they are the one who provides all the products on time according to the order given. Some distributors are closely relate to suppliers whereas some suppliers are not related to distributors, those would be directly in touch with us. For an example, we have suppliers which supplies golf materials and there are some suppliers which provide clothes in the store. We have to balance between suppliers and distributors in an intelligent way and in proper way. Media: Nowadays media has played a trust developing tool in the business. Media is like all the outside medium from which is an outsider get to know about the business. Media plays a very important role in developing the trust factor. For an example, if in newspaper there is written a good review then customer will follow that and they will visit the store as a result of good will. Media coverage is like a kind of building the strategy in the business, it helps to increase the number of customers and helps in building the long term relationship with customers which is very important. For an instance, if we are organising any event then through media we can transfer it to many people and to different social groups. Similarly, we can also make some promotions and advertisement through media so which is why it is equally important to maintain a good relation with media. Importance of external micro environment forces In the business or in the organisation, internal and external fact ors affect in the retail business. It is very important for a business to keep it always ahead of the competitors so which is why it is needed to have the upgraded strategies in the business. Multicultural: Multicultural is the kind of culture where there are mix of all cultures like from different backgrounds and different ethnic groups. For our business it is very good opportunity to have the multicultural environment and for us we are our targeting our business mostly for multicultural people which is why we have selected the place where we can find lot of multicultural people. Bicultural: It is a type of culture where in one country there will be only two kinds of cultures. This type of business is suitable for only that kind of business where products or materials are specifically made for those culture people and as we are focusing for multicultural people this kind of culture doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t affect u. Importance of internal influence employee For any business or any type of organization the support of the employees is very important because the working environment is the one which influence the positivity in the environment. The good working environment and good employees are the assets of the organization. If the employees are not doing well with their work, we can provide training and necessary guidance in order to make them work more effectively. The mentioned below are some of the important key factors which influence employees to perform better in the organization. Positive environment: As we are focusing for multicultural people in the business, so we will be having the multicultural staffs in the business. When there will be different it is very important have the mutual understanding among the employees because the positive environment makes it easier to perform well in the business and they can even perform more efficiently as well. Technology: Technology helps to make task more easily and more conveniently, So is the company wanted to perform in a well manner they need to provide necessary training of using the technology. For an example in countdown staffs are using the system technology, they work from computer which is why they can perform efficiently. Strategic plans: Strategic plans are needed to be regulated every time so that every staffs can improve their mistakes and make their performance better. For an instance, if one of the staff has some problems with other staffs then we can make him well adjusted in the culture by making the strategic plans. Importance of external influence over the employees There are so many external influences over the employees, most of them are unpredictable and cannot control from the organization. Some of them are discussed below: Locus of control: Employees get all types of influences especially internal and external. Some employees have a potential to control the different environment affected by different surrounding. The locus of control is the level of understanding the situation and ability to understand the situation. Sometimes the influence from the internal and external factors may affect negatively or positively, it will all depend on the ability to take the things in positive or negative manner. Customer demand: All the customers are different compare to each other, each and everyone is having different requirement and different queries. Sometimes if the employees do not get along with the customer, there might come the problem because there would be problem in understanding there might occur the gap in the understanding level. Employees should have developed the higher level of understanding and should be able to cooperate or adjust the environment. Strategic plans: Strategic plans helps to manage the employees, if they are having any problem in the understanding or having the adjustment problem then it could be solved by strategic plans even depressions and negative feeling which occurred in the working environment. Key strategic factor of macro environment Some of the key factors of macro environment is discussed below: Political factors Legal factors Technological factors Socio-cultural factors These factors include the change in the population, age, gender, and ethnicity, status of a person, education and cultural factors. These factors keep on changing so according the changing behaviour their taste and choice changes. Economic factors Environmental factors Economic: It includes trade cycle, economic tools etc. This business retail industry is very much dependent on economy of the country because the more people economic condition would be good the more they will spend. So the business is very much depends on income and economic situation of the customer. Growth of consumerism: Nowadays customer are very much demanding they know the fact that without them the business is not going to run. So the growth of consumerism is sometimes good and sometimes not very good for the business. Impact of legislation: Every business has some government laws and regulations to be followed. Sometimes the change in new rule of government may affect in the business for an example the increment in the taxes. Role and impact of technology The technology refers to the internet, e-business, e- commerce, smart cards etc. Nowadays because of the growing technology even in the retail business all new advanced technology has been used. All the payments are done from smart cards like Eftpos cards, debit and credit cards; people do not carry cash any more to buy anything. Similarly, nowadays people can buy everything via online as well; there is not even a need of going in the shop for an example, EBay, Amazon etc. Even in the retail store everything is done by scanning the bar code and price would automatically shows in the system. In the golf house, we would be having the technology which would help our business to run effectively and smoothly. Conclusion At the end, I have invested in this golf house and I am very much hoping to get best results and with the time, I hope to see my business growing as well. The mentioned factors would definitely help me to grow my business and with the support of my staffs and employees I hope to see my business getting success. It will definitely increase my GDP and also in sales.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Time in Times Visitors by F. Sladen Smith - 1564 Words

In â€Å"Time’s Visitors† F. Sladen Smith brings to lime light a universal fact that existence of every entity is impermanent. Life and death are not eternal either. Only time is permanent and it heals up the sorrows and grieves of man. In this play the writer has delineated the importance of time by the statue of time. The statue of time, located in a small public garden, is always being cursed by the visitors. Everyone despises the statue of time as they consider it to be callous because it snatches all happiness and gives nothing. The statue of time is something agonizing for all of them except Collins, the park keeper. Besides him all other people harbour feelings of hatred for it. Everyone finds fault in†¦show more content†¦Youth will change into old age and one can not run away from the timely processes. Collin is amazed at the Statue’s tolerance for the resentment he has to confront. The statue of time exhibits extra patience in facing the animos ity of the people and tell Collins that the derision will not make him speak to the people. He only speaks to Collins as they are old chaps. At the end of the play, the statue consoles an old woman named Harriet who had lost her son. The statue of time elucidates to her that nothing is permanent in this world. â€Å"The greatest of all illusion is permanence. There can be no permanence; birth and death; order and chaos jostle each other incessantly.† The statue of time lulls her to sleep so that the sorrow of her bereavement may turn into peace. Consequently Harriet is seen sleeping soundly as if time has healed her heart and mitigated her sorrow. The statue wants to make her understand that everything comes to an end. How much a person may strive, he can not make things live eternally. Man is himself immortal, so are the things around him. â€Å"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles.† Charlie Chaplin, The â€Å"trivial pursuits† for which man has grown into a tensed and fidgety creature are actually a mountain of fugacious aspirations that are here today and gone tomorrow. Time is permanent like flow of an ocean. It passes

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Explore the Way the Writer Presents the Relationship...

Explore the way the writer presents the relationship between George and Lennie in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† Of Mice and Men was written in the 1937 by John Steinbeck, he other well know books as the Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden, h also received a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. This book is set in the 1930s and set in California, his home region. During this time, the USA was suffering from a great depression, this meant that it was hard to find job because the economy was very weak, so to find job the men were disposed to go anywhere and the bosses would exploit their workers. The itinerant ranch workers where very lonely people because they had to move from place to place and tis meant that they could set up a stable life with a wife†¦show more content†¦The rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover.†(Page 4 sound- cover) From this we can learn that they will never achieve their dream of harmony in nature, this is also a foreshadowing device The readers gain a sense of the reason why the relationship of George and Lennie is important in the novel, this reason is the way that it conveys the key themes. One of the major contrasts found in this novel is between loneliness and companionship. George describes how ranch worker are â€Å"the loneliest guys in the world†(page 15 the-world/). This is because they have such a nomadic lifestyle to find jobs during the different seasons of the year and because of this they are never able to settle down in one place â€Å"They got no fambly. They don’t belong no place†(page 15, they- place). George continues saying and reassuring Lennie many times in the novel that this is not their situation and they have got each other and we can see this when he says ‘with us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that give a damn about us†(page 15, with us-about us) and Lennie also add â€Å"But not us!An’ why? Because â₠¬ ¦. Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that why†(page 15 and 16, but-that why) This back up Geroge saying that they are like no other ranch man. Through the play we can see that Geroge becomes angry at his friend, Lennie, because he is forgetful and get in to trouble very easily because of his mental disability. In

Competitive Advantage and ER System-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Advantage and ER System Application. Answer: Introduction In this report adamantine study has been prepared on the enterprises system application in business organizations and how it could be used by different organizations to create competitive advantage for the betterment of organization. Enterprises system is the large scale application software package support and assists business process flow of information and proper business running in value chain activities of organizations. It could be defined as enterprises planning system, customer relationship management software data analysis system. In this report, development of competitive advantage by two different companies with the help of Enterprises system has been described. After that how competitive advantage could make effective changes in the value chain activities of organizations. Competitive advantage and strategic planning It is described that enterprises system would help company to reduce the overall cost of capital and increase the efficiency of production in effective manner. In this report, study has been conducted on the two different organizations named Wesfarmers and Samsung Corporation which have used Enterprises system in its value chain activities to develop competitive advantage in domestic and international market. It is evaluated that if company use enterprises system in its value chain activities then it will not only increase the overall productivity but also create effective brand image of company. Competitive advantage of company provide distinguish working value chain to organization and keep organization separate and distinguish from those of others in market. It is further evaluated that Wesfarmers plc is supermarket Industry Company which is running its business since very long. With the increasing ramified competitions in Australian supermarket industry, it is considered that company has adopted enterprises system in its value chain activities. This level of strategy helps organizations to make changes in its existing products and services (Yuegang, et al. 2016). For Instance, after implementing Enterprises system in its value chain activities, Wesfarmers Plc establish automation in its working and all the payment and orders placing process take place through a center level of dashboard control system. This level of implication of new technologies in its business functioning reduces the chances of errors and increase the efficiency of business (Heino, 2017). The main adva ntage of this enterprises system in the value chain activities of Wesfarmers could be seen by evaluating the current process. In this process, it is considered that employees and top management of organizations could audit all the data and transactions through online dashboard by simple clicking. This enterprises system also helped company to establish automation in various set of activities such as communicating with clients, placing orders using resolving grievances and other technical issues of organizations. This prompt level of solutions will place the company distinguish clients mind which will not only increase the overall production of company but also increase the efficiency of business at large. Nonetheless, secondary sources such as annual report, financial statement and other documents of company has shown that company has increased its overall turnover by 25% since last five year after implementing enterprises system in its value chain activities (Waters, 2013).The main competitive advantage is related to advancement of technology and using this process in the value chain activities. Company has adopted separate mechanism of online dashboard which not only attracts clients to buy companys product but also increase brand image. This level of advancement of technology makes company innovative and creative in market (Gu, et al. 2017). There are several three strategies which Wesfarmers has adopted after implementation of enterprises system in its value chain activities. Product differentiation strategy This product differentiation strategy helps organization to come up different products in market after maturing the stage of one product in market. Wesfarmers (Super market industry) It is considered that Wesfarmers plc after using enterprises system could easily make changes in its offered products and services in market. However, company needs to make valued variation in existing physical products (Lin, et al. 2016). Therefore, by introducing existing products and services accompanied with highly developed technology will help company to distinguish its products and services from those of others in market and result to grabbing more market share (Jones, et al. 2016). If Wesfarmers plc does not follow enterprises system in its value chain activities then it will have to face problem in developing new ideas and creative planning procedure in its research and development department while following product differentiation strategy. Wesfarmers has established effective brand image and distinguish its value chain activities from those of others in market. Samsung (IT industry) It is related to use of new methods and technologies in the business functioning of organizations. Samsung has indulged in use of new machines and introducing new products by following product development strategies (Khorshed et al. 2015). However, Strategic planning of the company starts with collecting data, analyzing it and implement proper planning process for the betterment of organization. With the help of enterprises planning process and implementing enterprises system, Samsung has followed new innovative technologies and machines. This has allowed Samsung to offer new level of Phones and other accessories by following product differentiation in the market around the globe. This will help company to introduce new Phones and accessories and mitigate the life cycle problems issues in effective manner. Furthermore, competitive advantage of Samsung is related to establishment of proper level of strategic planning procedure (Gu, et al. 2017). It will not only increase the overall p roductivity of the company but also increase the efficiency of organizations. Samsung has used this enterprises system to grab the opportunity from the Asian market as well. This has allowed organizations to establish an online chain for the clients through they could check the offered products, place the orders and log their queries in systematic manner (Gu, et al. 2017). Image differentiations strategy It is more related with the principle of marketing in which brand image of company is set different in clients mind by adopting innovative and creative technologies in the business of organization. Strategic planning of company starts with the top management of company and implement by the persons indulged in value chain activities of organizations. For instance, in order to customization of services and products offered in international market, Wesfarmers and Samsung should align the enterprises system functions with the working procedure of planning department. Wesfarmers (Super market industry) There are several rivals in supermarket industry such as Tesco, Woolworth, Morrison plc and other companies which are offering their goods and services in supermarket industry. However, Wesfarmers by adopting enterprises system could reflect its innovative and creative business functioning in the market. This level of strategic planning will distinguish Wesfarmers plc and its products from those of others in market (Santos, 2013). However, with the use of enterprises system, company could collect the data and analysis it through cyber computing system. This cyber computing system will help organizations to collect the data and use it to formulate strategic planning in determined approach. Top management department has to implement data mining process to implement proper level of strategic planning. This planning process helps company to enter into strategic alliance with other organization as well Samsung (IT industry) This is the main strategy which is formulated by the Samsung to create effective brand image in clients mind. Company has created competitive advantage in its offered goods and services in market to create creative image in clients mind. After adopting enterprises system, company has customized products and services offered in market (Walker and Madsen, 2016). This could be evaluated by considering a simple example that Samsung has launched an online app for its customers whom they could install in their phones and other electronic products to log their problems and establish effective communication with the top management of organization (Lee, et al. 2013). Enterprises system helps in large scale application software package support and assists business process flow of information in Samsung value chain activities. It is evaluated that if company could install enterprises system then it would establish a proper working channel for clients and employees as well. This enterprises syst em will be used by organization to collect the information from the clients and customized its existing working activities in determined approach (Wang, Meng and Zhang, 2017). Now in the end, it could be inferred that Samsung has to implement proper level of strategic planning if it wants to accomplish its certain goals and objective in determined approach. Sustainable competitive advantage strategy It is evaluated that achievement of competitive advantage is not permanent or long lasting. In order to gain sustainable competitive advantage, company should implement its generic strategies which must be grounded in its attribute that meets four criteria such as valuable, rare, inimitable and non-sustainable. Wesfarmers (Super market industry) With the help of enterprises system, Wesfarmers plc could grasp these all intents and could increase the overall productivity in market. Therefore, it could be inferred that by using effective enterprises system in value chain activities, company could easily create distinguish brand image and creative business functioning in clients mind in supermarket industry (Slack, 2015). Furthermore, enterprises system will establish automation in working channel, reduce the communication channels and provide a platform to the entire employee to implement proper level communication among them and clients as well. Therefore, if Wesfarmers plc adopts enterprises resources system then it will increase the overall productivity and efficiency of business in long run. In addition to this, Enterprises system could also be used by company to develop consistent innovative and creative strategy in short term and long run (Smith, 2013). Competitive advantage of Wesfarmers plc distinguishes its products an d services in market working process of company which company has created after adopting enterprises system in its value chain activities (Wang, Meng, and Zhang, 2017). Samsung (IT industry) Strategic planning of company in Sustainable competitive advantage strategy development starts with creative and innovative intellectual set of functions which company would implement for the proper level of business plans in domestic and international market. It is further observed that if Samsung does not implement innovative strategic planning then it would not only result to destruction of its business on international market but also reduce the overall efficiency of business (Smith, 2013). It will provide effective level changes in products and business functioning of organization. Therefore, it could be inferred that if Samsung could implement proper level of enterprises system in its value chain activities then it will surely increase the overall productivity of organizations (Khorshed, et al. 2015). It is observed that Samsung has been running its business in electronic products selling market. However, by using enterprises system Samsung come up in market with a new effectiv e business process system. This process system helps management department of Samsung and other employees to directly connect with clients and establish effective communication among them. This level of strategic planning will help Samsung to create online platform to grasp the market share either on domestic and international level. However, by adopting enterprises system, In addition to this, strategic planning of company is related to management of business through short term and long term tactical and operation plans. For instance, if Samsung wants to launch its new products and services in particular market then company has to collect data and analysis it determined approach Conclusion There are several problems which are faced by organizations while implementing proper level of strategic planning accompanied by enterprises system in value chain activities. In this report, two organizations named Wesfarmers and Samsung both has used enterprises system in its strategic planning to increase the effectiveness of business functioning. The enterprises system not only helps in developing an effective business plan but also help organizations to gather required details through cyber computing system. This has shown that if company on international level could implement proper level of strategic planning with cyber computing system. 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