Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Competitive Advantage and ER System-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Advantage and ER System Application. Answer: Introduction In this report adamantine study has been prepared on the enterprises system application in business organizations and how it could be used by different organizations to create competitive advantage for the betterment of organization. Enterprises system is the large scale application software package support and assists business process flow of information and proper business running in value chain activities of organizations. It could be defined as enterprises planning system, customer relationship management software data analysis system. In this report, development of competitive advantage by two different companies with the help of Enterprises system has been described. After that how competitive advantage could make effective changes in the value chain activities of organizations. Competitive advantage and strategic planning It is described that enterprises system would help company to reduce the overall cost of capital and increase the efficiency of production in effective manner. In this report, study has been conducted on the two different organizations named Wesfarmers and Samsung Corporation which have used Enterprises system in its value chain activities to develop competitive advantage in domestic and international market. It is evaluated that if company use enterprises system in its value chain activities then it will not only increase the overall productivity but also create effective brand image of company. Competitive advantage of company provide distinguish working value chain to organization and keep organization separate and distinguish from those of others in market. It is further evaluated that Wesfarmers plc is supermarket Industry Company which is running its business since very long. With the increasing ramified competitions in Australian supermarket industry, it is considered that company has adopted enterprises system in its value chain activities. This level of strategy helps organizations to make changes in its existing products and services (Yuegang, et al. 2016). For Instance, after implementing Enterprises system in its value chain activities, Wesfarmers Plc establish automation in its working and all the payment and orders placing process take place through a center level of dashboard control system. This level of implication of new technologies in its business functioning reduces the chances of errors and increase the efficiency of business (Heino, 2017). The main adva ntage of this enterprises system in the value chain activities of Wesfarmers could be seen by evaluating the current process. In this process, it is considered that employees and top management of organizations could audit all the data and transactions through online dashboard by simple clicking. This enterprises system also helped company to establish automation in various set of activities such as communicating with clients, placing orders using resolving grievances and other technical issues of organizations. This prompt level of solutions will place the company distinguish clients mind which will not only increase the overall production of company but also increase the efficiency of business at large. Nonetheless, secondary sources such as annual report, financial statement and other documents of company has shown that company has increased its overall turnover by 25% since last five year after implementing enterprises system in its value chain activities (Waters, 2013).The main competitive advantage is related to advancement of technology and using this process in the value chain activities. Company has adopted separate mechanism of online dashboard which not only attracts clients to buy companys product but also increase brand image. This level of advancement of technology makes company innovative and creative in market (Gu, et al. 2017). There are several three strategies which Wesfarmers has adopted after implementation of enterprises system in its value chain activities. Product differentiation strategy This product differentiation strategy helps organization to come up different products in market after maturing the stage of one product in market. Wesfarmers (Super market industry) It is considered that Wesfarmers plc after using enterprises system could easily make changes in its offered products and services in market. However, company needs to make valued variation in existing physical products (Lin, et al. 2016). Therefore, by introducing existing products and services accompanied with highly developed technology will help company to distinguish its products and services from those of others in market and result to grabbing more market share (Jones, et al. 2016). If Wesfarmers plc does not follow enterprises system in its value chain activities then it will have to face problem in developing new ideas and creative planning procedure in its research and development department while following product differentiation strategy. Wesfarmers has established effective brand image and distinguish its value chain activities from those of others in market. Samsung (IT industry) It is related to use of new methods and technologies in the business functioning of organizations. Samsung has indulged in use of new machines and introducing new products by following product development strategies (Khorshed et al. 2015). However, Strategic planning of the company starts with collecting data, analyzing it and implement proper planning process for the betterment of organization. With the help of enterprises planning process and implementing enterprises system, Samsung has followed new innovative technologies and machines. This has allowed Samsung to offer new level of Phones and other accessories by following product differentiation in the market around the globe. This will help company to introduce new Phones and accessories and mitigate the life cycle problems issues in effective manner. Furthermore, competitive advantage of Samsung is related to establishment of proper level of strategic planning procedure (Gu, et al. 2017). It will not only increase the overall p roductivity of the company but also increase the efficiency of organizations. Samsung has used this enterprises system to grab the opportunity from the Asian market as well. This has allowed organizations to establish an online chain for the clients through they could check the offered products, place the orders and log their queries in systematic manner (Gu, et al. 2017). Image differentiations strategy It is more related with the principle of marketing in which brand image of company is set different in clients mind by adopting innovative and creative technologies in the business of organization. Strategic planning of company starts with the top management of company and implement by the persons indulged in value chain activities of organizations. For instance, in order to customization of services and products offered in international market, Wesfarmers and Samsung should align the enterprises system functions with the working procedure of planning department. Wesfarmers (Super market industry) There are several rivals in supermarket industry such as Tesco, Woolworth, Morrison plc and other companies which are offering their goods and services in supermarket industry. However, Wesfarmers by adopting enterprises system could reflect its innovative and creative business functioning in the market. This level of strategic planning will distinguish Wesfarmers plc and its products from those of others in market (Santos, 2013). However, with the use of enterprises system, company could collect the data and analysis it through cyber computing system. This cyber computing system will help organizations to collect the data and use it to formulate strategic planning in determined approach. Top management department has to implement data mining process to implement proper level of strategic planning. This planning process helps company to enter into strategic alliance with other organization as well Samsung (IT industry) This is the main strategy which is formulated by the Samsung to create effective brand image in clients mind. Company has created competitive advantage in its offered goods and services in market to create creative image in clients mind. After adopting enterprises system, company has customized products and services offered in market (Walker and Madsen, 2016). This could be evaluated by considering a simple example that Samsung has launched an online app for its customers whom they could install in their phones and other electronic products to log their problems and establish effective communication with the top management of organization (Lee, et al. 2013). Enterprises system helps in large scale application software package support and assists business process flow of information in Samsung value chain activities. It is evaluated that if company could install enterprises system then it would establish a proper working channel for clients and employees as well. This enterprises syst em will be used by organization to collect the information from the clients and customized its existing working activities in determined approach (Wang, Meng and Zhang, 2017). Now in the end, it could be inferred that Samsung has to implement proper level of strategic planning if it wants to accomplish its certain goals and objective in determined approach. Sustainable competitive advantage strategy It is evaluated that achievement of competitive advantage is not permanent or long lasting. In order to gain sustainable competitive advantage, company should implement its generic strategies which must be grounded in its attribute that meets four criteria such as valuable, rare, inimitable and non-sustainable. Wesfarmers (Super market industry) With the help of enterprises system, Wesfarmers plc could grasp these all intents and could increase the overall productivity in market. Therefore, it could be inferred that by using effective enterprises system in value chain activities, company could easily create distinguish brand image and creative business functioning in clients mind in supermarket industry (Slack, 2015). Furthermore, enterprises system will establish automation in working channel, reduce the communication channels and provide a platform to the entire employee to implement proper level communication among them and clients as well. Therefore, if Wesfarmers plc adopts enterprises resources system then it will increase the overall productivity and efficiency of business in long run. In addition to this, Enterprises system could also be used by company to develop consistent innovative and creative strategy in short term and long run (Smith, 2013). Competitive advantage of Wesfarmers plc distinguishes its products an d services in market working process of company which company has created after adopting enterprises system in its value chain activities (Wang, Meng, and Zhang, 2017). Samsung (IT industry) Strategic planning of company in Sustainable competitive advantage strategy development starts with creative and innovative intellectual set of functions which company would implement for the proper level of business plans in domestic and international market. It is further observed that if Samsung does not implement innovative strategic planning then it would not only result to destruction of its business on international market but also reduce the overall efficiency of business (Smith, 2013). It will provide effective level changes in products and business functioning of organization. Therefore, it could be inferred that if Samsung could implement proper level of enterprises system in its value chain activities then it will surely increase the overall productivity of organizations (Khorshed, et al. 2015). It is observed that Samsung has been running its business in electronic products selling market. However, by using enterprises system Samsung come up in market with a new effectiv e business process system. This process system helps management department of Samsung and other employees to directly connect with clients and establish effective communication among them. This level of strategic planning will help Samsung to create online platform to grasp the market share either on domestic and international level. However, by adopting enterprises system, In addition to this, strategic planning of company is related to management of business through short term and long term tactical and operation plans. For instance, if Samsung wants to launch its new products and services in particular market then company has to collect data and analysis it determined approach Conclusion There are several problems which are faced by organizations while implementing proper level of strategic planning accompanied by enterprises system in value chain activities. In this report, two organizations named Wesfarmers and Samsung both has used enterprises system in its strategic planning to increase the effectiveness of business functioning. The enterprises system not only helps in developing an effective business plan but also help organizations to gather required details through cyber computing system. This has shown that if company on international level could implement proper level of strategic planning with cyber computing system. Now in the end, it could be inferred that if strategic planning is the crucial part of the business success of organization and enterprises system increases the overall effectiveness of strategic planning in determined approach. References Gu, L., Zeng, D., Guo, S., Barnawi, A. and Xiang, Y., 2017. Cost efficient resource management in fog computing supported medical cyber-physical system.IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,5(1), pp.108-119. Gu, L., Zeng, D., Guo, S., Barnawi, A., Xiang, Y. (2017). Cost efficient resource management in fog computing supported medical cyber-physical system.IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,5(1), 108-119. Heino, B., 2017. Trading hours deregulation in Tasmania and Western Australia: large retailer dominance and changing models of development.Labour Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, pp.1-18. Jones, A., Vidalis, S. and Abouzakhar, N., 2016, September. 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