Monday, April 20, 2020

Nekrasov. Poem Review Essay Example

Nekrasov. Poem Review Paper Essay on Nekrasov. Poem Policy not just a social phenomenon that addicted or addicted to a plus or minus. 19th policy in the works of poets and writers. it is also a form of social consciousness, and one of the necessary forms (along with science, law, art, religion, etc.), embodied in the famous works of literature. The need for it in the fact that without it, society could not open up and see the possibility of new forms of his life. No talk about the progress of the culture of social ideals would not be possible. 19th This was unanimous majority of the classics of Russian literature. For example, the road to liberation from despotism and autocracy from the bondage of serfdom, tyranny against peasants that is the road to the ideals of the Russian culture of the 19th century. Without the development of certain political ideas no social progress would be impossible. The whole spectrum of political ideas and programs required to continuously appears in the formation of political consciousness of any civil society. Without them, none of what civil society does not make sense to say now talk about scoops of cattle, of the crowd, that is, in the most contemptuous expressions-deserved. The intelligentsia is just responsible for the development and implementation of life in the most profound ideas of his time. So, by the way, and we acted Decembrists, Populists different generations, commoners, the Democrats and the Socialists (here for example, see. Here) until the proletarian revolutionaries in the course of overcoming the numerous illusions of immature forms of political consciousness. Hence the glaring contradictions (Lenin on Tolstoy) in the literary experiments of our classics, Nekrasov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, etc .: on the one hand for incomparable true picture of the social life of vices, the other the helplessness in understanding and overcoming practical. Above naive utopian moralizing nobody raised. This is understandable: the political consciousness (including the idea of â₠¬â€¹Ã¢â‚¬â€¹social justice) have been spontaneous rather than a conscious form (for example as it has become a cultural phenomenon in Europe). Another thing the experience of overcoming illusions precisely constitutes the political culture of contemporary intellectuals. This experience is continuously accumulated. It is not so much political as cultural phenomenon. A man devoid of political consciousness (in particular, has not read Nekrasov) convenient, but rather, the most squalid being remedy for all kinds of manipulation with the help of ratings, polls, surveys, etc. acts of indoctrination of public consciousness. Heres the deal, if briefly.

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